Our Friends
We couldn’t do it without our friends. Please visit the websites and shops of the following businesses and people who offer quality service, products, and friendship we treasure.
Marléne Nilsén
Marléne is responsible for the amazing photographs taken of our products and clothing for the website. I was enchanted by her images at a gallery show in Östersund, Sweden, next thing you know, she’s on a plane to Montana. See her inspiring images, artwork, and photographs: www.lavenlay.se
Joseph’s Coat Yarns and Fibers
Joseph’s Coat Yarns and Fibers, is Missoula’s oldest locally owned local yarn shop. They offer a wide range of natural yarns for knitting, crochet, and weaving, including our Montana Bison Wool. Plus, they carry natural fibers for spinning and felting. Their expert staff is always available for consultation and project help. www.josephscoatyarn.com Visit them at: 115 S. 3rd St. W. Missoula, MT 59801/ Tel: 406-549-1419
Black Sheep Custom Leather
Creators of saddles, belts, bags, and all things leather. Well known for their excellent quality handcrafted work. They are making my leather belts and cell phone holsters per my designs. Love working with them! You will too. www.blacksheepcustomleather.com
Visit them at: Black Sheep Custom Leather : 16 S Willson Avenue/Bozeman, MT 59715
Tel: 406-587-2530
Visit them at: Black Sheep Custom Leather : 16 S Willson Avenue/Bozeman, MT 59715
Tel: 406-587-2530